Magistrate David Voegele wants "someone" to come up with several thousands of dollars of taxpayer money to remove the buildings in Buckner which have become known as "The Buckner Mall." Obviously, he has little concern for the many problems that many other people in the county have. For example the residents of Lakewood Valley have some severe flooding problems and according to the Judge Executive the sewers have many problems. Still, both Judge Murner and Magistrate Voegele continue to seek taxpayer money to remove buildings which are not hurting anyone instead of putting the money where it is needed for real problems. The buildings do not pose a threat to anyone. The flooding and sewer problems do present a threat to the well being of many people.
Magistrate Voegele promised to remove the buildings when he was campaigning for office while also complaining about the county coffers having been depleted by the prior administration. How do you claim that the county is broke while promising to spend more money on a frivilous idea like demolishing five buildings and putting the occupants out of business? Easy, just be concerned about your own "desires" rather than the "needs" of others.