On December 15, 2009 the Oldham County Fiscal Court gave its blessing to the 28 percent increase in the water rate for the residents of Oldham County. No, the court did not set the rate but Judge-Executive Duane Murner nominated both Jay Hall and Robert Durbin for reappointment to serve on the board of the Oldham County Water District. Both of those men were on the board that set the new rate resulting in a 28 percent increase in water rates for all Oldham County customers.
Magistrate Scott Davis commented to the court prior to the vote concerning his disappointment and displeasure with the recent decisions of the Water District Board. He stated that he felt the board should have more carefully considered the opportunity to partner with the Louisville Water Company and lower the amount of its rate increase. Magistrate Davis has also stated his objections to the water district spending millions of dollars to increase capacity to serve developers at the ratepayers (customers) expense. Judge-Executive Murner even had the audacity to say that he did not favor the increase in water rates but that the control of the water rates was not within the jurisdiction of the Fiscal Court. In fact, that is an oversimplification of the matter at hand. While Fiscal Court does not set the water rates, they control who is on the Water District Board.
On Tuesday, all members of the Fiscal Court, including Judge-Executive Murner, were aware that the nominees for the Water District Board were previously part of the board that set the new rates resulting in the 28 percent increase. All members of the court had an opportunity to voice their objection to the huge rate increase. However, only Magistrate Scott Davis voiced his objections over the increase. He stated that since the nominees had been part of the board that increased the water rates by 28 percent he could not vote for them. Obviously the other members of the court did not share his displeasure. Without any comment the entire court voted to approve the nominations with the exception of Magistrate Scott Davis.
It is to be noted that the Water District Board has clearly stated in writing that one of the purposes of increasing the rate is to fund more infrastructure for development. Jay Hall is also a family member of one of the largest volume developers and real estate agents in Oldham County, Steve Hall. Jay’s wife, Deborah, contributed the personal maximum contribution of $1,000 to Paula Gish for her campaign for Judge-Executive on 9/17/2009. Karen Hall, the wife of Steve Hall, also donated $1,000 to Paula Gish for Judge-Executive on 9/17/2009. Are you getting the picture here? Did Jay Hall use his position as a member of the Oldham County Water District Board to expand infrastructure for future development to subsidize his own industry? We’ll let you be the judge of that, but the answer seems pretty clear. When testifying before the Fiscal Court, the Water District Board stated service for people in Oldham County would not be enhanced. Yet everyone in the county will pay dearly in order to construct new infrastructure for future development. I continue to tell people to ask themselves, “What will new development do for me?” I can tell you that it has and continues to cost you dearly.
In May the residents of Oldham County will have the opportunity to let their elected magistrate know how they feel about the cavalier attitude that the magistrates frequently show about the financial welfare of their constituents. Hopefully, they take the opportunity to do so.