When a person decides to run for public office in Kentucky he/she must have two people who are members of his party sign his initial filing papers.
For the past few weeks there has been a rumor going around Oldham County that Glen Gish was one of the people who signed the initial filing papers of Galen Clark when he filed to run for Oldham County Attorney in the May 18, 2010 primary election. Does it matter who signs a candidate’s initial papers? Apparently some people believe that it would bother some people if they found out that a particular person had signed a particular candidate’s office. Otherwise they would not start or repeat a rumor of this nature.
For the record, Glen Gish did not sign Clark’s initial filing papers. Having heard this rumor several times, I decided to check out the rumor. I asked Galen Clark about the issue and he informed me that his papers were signed by Greg Streif, a long time friend, and Susan Clark, his spouse. An inquiry with the office of the County Clerk confirmed Clark’s statement.
Additionally, Clark’s picture, along with his spouse and Streif, appeared in the January 14, 2010 edition of the Oldham Era announcing Clark’s filing for the office of County Attorney. It is unfortunate that this rumor was started but those things do happen when people repeat stories without verifying them.