Magistrate Rick Rash has announced the first political rally for the 2010 local elections. It is scheduled to take place at the Briar Hill Park on June 25th. While Rash referred to it as a “Town Hall” meeting, it is crystal clear after listening to him that it is nothing more than a political rally.
As far as I know Rash has not had a Town Hall meeting since he has been a magistrate and definitely not over the prior three years. The only magistrate that I am aware of who has had a Town Hall meeting is Magistrate Scott Davis. He has held held several of them over the first three years of his term.
Rash is well aware that his political future is in grave danger. After all, he won his last primary election by less than twenty votes as a multi-term incumbent. Additionally, he certainly appears to have lost more ground during this current term. This likely translates into defeat for him. I am sure that Rash hopes to make voters forget all of the tax and fee increases he has supported. I don’t believe that the people will forget, especially when they are reminded during the campaign process.
It is interesting to note that Industrial Disposal, one of his former campaign contributors, will be present signing up people to participate in recycling. I wonder if they are going to pay for the hot dogs that Rash plans to serve at the rally? Rash also supported two rate increases for Industrial Disposal and worked to see a third rate increase adopted. What a way to take care of your constituents.
Rash stated that he has invited several other politicians and that there will be balloon lifts available for those attending. If all of this doesn’t amount to a political rally, then I have never seen one. There is certainly nothing wrong with Rash having a political rally, but he should just be honest and call it that. He doesn’t need to bother calling it something it clearly isn’t under the guise of a service for his constituents. But then again, Rash has always been adept at putting a spin on things.
Alas, the 2010 political races are on!