It is getting close to election-day so it is time to speed up a little if I am going to get all of these endorsements done before the elections.
After a lot of thinking and talking to a lot of people I have decided to endorse Galen Clark for County Attorney. Yes, John Fendley has a lot of experience as a County Attorney and Galen Clark has none. However, the time has come for Oldham County to get some fresh ideas and that requires changes. Therefore, people should vote for Galen Clark.
In my opinion Fendley has given some bad advice to other county officials in the past. The decision that affected me, and many other residents of Oldham County, the most was his advice to the County Clerk a few years ago to disqualify 2200 names on a petition that I helped circulate regarding the increase in the property tax rate levied by the Oldham County Board of Education. As a result of that decision the people of Oldham County were not allowed to vote on the issue. Thus, a class action lawsuit was filed and is still pending. If the citizens are successful in the lawsuit, the Oldham County Board of Education may be forced to return over 20 million dollars to the property owners of Oldham County. That will place a huge burden on the Board that could have been avoided.
Moreover, there was the incident of “Roscoe the Pig.” In that instance Fendley advised the animal control officer to kill a pet pig that was frozen to the ground. The owners of the pig sued the county in federal court and they were awarded thousands of dollars in damages. Also, during the current administration it seems to me that the administration has received very poor counsel on a few occasions. I do not know if the advice came from Fendley but that is part of his job.
Meanwhile, Clark is making his second attempt to be elected and I believe that he would serve the county well. He certainly has some fresh ideas about helping the youth of this county and the youth is an important part of the future of not only the county, but the nation. Vote for Galen Clark!
The easiest endorsement to make in all of the races is in the 7th magisterial district. Bob Dye is the clear choice for voters. The incumbent, Rick Rash, wore out his welcome long ago. He has been very demeaning to many people who have come before the court. For that reason alone he is not deserving of one vote.
Rash has continually inferred that he has “hung the moon” in Oldham County by taking credit for everything that he believes the people like. He has voted for every tax and fee increase that has been before Fiscal Court this past term. He has consistently voted with Judge Murner on issues that were detrimental to the people of Oldham County such as the creation of a Stormwater District and the assumption of the Sewer District Debt. And, let us not forget that he voted to double your insurance premium tax.
When Stan Clark first announced that he was running for County Judge Rash was in his corner. I suspect that he was hoping for a job in the administration if Clark were elected. Rash would like to get a government job that would increase his retirement as he has no other employment other than being a magistrate. Rash told me how “dumb” Paula Gish was. He stated that he knew that because she had sat beside him on Fiscal Court for eleven years. However, as soon as Clark announced that he would not be running for judge Rash immediately jumped on Gish’s bandwagon. He is always looking for a way to “feather” his own nest. I guess that I sound critical of Mr. Rash but I have heard him demean so many people and for that I believe the time has come for him to be denied another term in office.
Let us not forget that he also voted for an airport that almost 90% of the people in Oldham County did not want. He continued to voice support for the airport while his brother owned the property that had a very good chance of being the location for the airport. He finally stopped voting on the airport issues at my insistence before the court. I thought that there was a conflict of interest then and I still believe that the conflict was there.
If you only cast one vote on May 18, 2010, cast if for Bob Dye!