Oldham County Judge Executive Duane Murner announced in fiscal court on Tuesday, May 4, 2010 that a deal had been reached between the Oldham Lagrange Development Authority (OLDA) and the Hocker Group regarding the Oldham Reserve. No specifics of the contract were revealed. The Oldham Reserve consists of over 900 acres that the county purchased several years ago for the purpose of having commercial businesses and residential housing in the same area. The county has not been successful with the venture and it has become a financial drain on the county coffers. The county has been trying for a long time to obtain a partner to assume some of the financial and managerial responsibility for the land. As of now Oldham Reserve has one tenant, the Rawlings Group.
I had predicted several weeks before this announcement that the announcement would be made close to election time in order to enhance the position of the incumbents. Now the question is, will the contract be available for review by the public and all candidates for public office in sufficient time prior to the election for the issue to be discussed?
I listened as many of the magistrates praised OLDA for its work in achieving this contract. I would dare say that none of the magistrates have seen the contract. This is a very typical response of many of the magistrates on this court. They have frequently voted for things about which they knew nothing and then complained later that they were misled by the County Judge or some other person. Frankly, I see most of the magistrates believing that the responsibility for the Oldham Reserve has been lifted from their shoulders. However, the fact is that those magistrates on the court who originally voted to purchase the Oldham Reserve will always be responsible for that action. It will be very interesting to see just what concessions the county had to make in order to get someone to sign a contract.
There will be more to follow on this issue.